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Scope of Digital marketing skill
The scope of digital marketing skills in India is immense and continually expanding, driven by the country's rapidly growing internet penetration, increasing smartphone usage, and the digitalization of businesses across various sectors. Here's an overview of why digital marketing skills are in high demand:
Growing Digital Economy: India has one of the fastest-growing digital economies globally, with millions of users accessing the internet every day. As businesses shift their focus online, the demand for digital marketing skills is surging.
Expanding E-commerce Market: The e-commerce sector in India is witnessing exponential growth, fueled by factors such as rising disposable incomes, urbanization, and convenience. Digital marketing plays a critical role in driving traffic, generating leads, and increasing sales for e-commerce platforms and online retailers.
Social Media Dominance: Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube have massive user bases in India. Digital marketing professionals need to be adept at leveraging these platforms to build brand awareness, engage with customers, and drive conversions.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): With the majority of online experiences beginning with a search engine, SEO has become integral to digital marketing strategies. Understanding SEO best practices and algorithms is crucial for improving a brand's visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).
Content Marketing: Content is king in the digital realm, and content marketing is a powerful strategy for attracting and retaining customers. Digital marketers must excel in creating high-quality, relevant content across various formats, including blog posts, videos, infographics, and podcasts.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: PPC advertising platforms like Google Ads and social media advertising offer targeted and measurable ways to reach potential customers. Digital marketers should be proficient in crafting effective ad campaigns, optimizing ad spend, and analyzing campaign performance metrics.
Email Marketing: Despite the rise of new digital channels, email marketing remains a cost-effective and efficient way to nurture leads and maintain customer relationships. Digital marketers need to understand email marketing best practices, segmentation strategies, and automation tools.
Data Analytics and Insights: Data-driven decision-making is at the core of successful digital marketing campaigns. Digital marketers must possess strong analytical skills to interpret data, measure campaign effectiveness, identify trends, and optimize marketing strategies accordingly.
Mobile Marketing: With a significant portion of internet users accessing the web via mobile devices, mobile marketing has become essential. Digital marketers need to optimize websites and campaigns for mobile responsiveness, leverage mobile apps, and utilize location-based targeting.
Continuous Learning and Adaptation: The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving with new technologies, platforms, and algorithms. Digital marketers must stay updated with industry trends, attend workshops, pursue certifications, and engage in continuous learning to remain competitive.
In summary, the scope of digital marketing skills in India is vast and varied, encompassing a wide range of techniques and channels to reach and engage with target audiences in the digital space. As businesses increasingly prioritize their online presence, the demand for digital marketing expertise is expected to continue growing in the foreseeable future.
Irregular verbs | ||||
No | V1 | Meaning | V2 | V3 |
1 | Buy | खरीदना | Bought | Bought |
2 | Build | बांधना | Built | Built |
3 | burn | जलना | Burnt | Burnt |
4 | Bend | झुकना | Bent | Bent |
5 | Bring | लाना | brought | brought |
6 | Become | होना | Became | Become |
7 | Come | आना | Came | Come |
8 | Catch | पकड़ना | Caught | Caught |
9 | Do | करना | Did | Done |
10 | Dream | ख्वाब देखना | Dreamt | Dreamt |
11 | Arise | उठना / जागना | Arose | Arisen |
12 | Be | होना | Was, were | Been |
13 | Bear | सहन करना | Bore | Bore |
14 | Beat | मारना | Beat | Beat |
15 | Bite | काटना | Bit | Bitten |
16 | Break | तोडना | Broke | Broken |
17 | Choose | चुनना | Chose | Chosen |
18 | Draw | चित्र बनाना | Drew | Drawn |
19 | Drive | चलाना | Drove | Driven |
20 | Eat | खाना | Ate | Eaten |
21 | Fall | गिरना | Fell | Fallen |
22 | Fly | उड़ना | Flew | Flown |
23 | Forget | भूल जाना | Forgot | Forgotten |
24 | Forgive | माफ़ करना | Forgave | Forgiven |
25 | Give | देना | Gave | Given |
27 | Grow | बढ़ना | Grew | Grown |
28 | Hide | छिपना | Hid | Hidden |
29 | Know | जानना | Knew | Knew |
30 | Lie | लेटना | Lay | Lain |
31 | Ride | सवार होना | Rode | Ridden |
32 | Rise | उठना | Rose | Risen |
33 | See | देखना | Saw | Seen |
34 | Speak | बोलना | Spoke | Spoken |
35 | Take | लेना | Took | Taken |
36 | Throw | फेकना | Threw | Thrown |
37 | Wake | जागना | Woke | Woken |
38 | Wear | कपडे पहनना | Wore | Worn |
39 | Write | लिखना | Wrote | Written |
40 | Begin | शुरू करना | Began | Begun |
41 | Drink | पीना | Drank | Drunk |
42 | Ring | घंटी बजाना | Rang | Rung |
43 | Run | दौड़ना | Ran | Run |
44 | Shrink | सिकुड़ना | Shrank | Shrunk |
45 | Sing | गाना | Sang | Sung |
46 | Sink | डूबना | Sank | Sunk |
47 | Swear | कसम लेना | Swore | Sworn |
48 | Stand | खड़े रहना | Stood | Stood |
49 | Sell | बेंचना | Sold | Sold |
50 | Shine | चमकना | Shone | Shone |
51 | Shoot | गोली मारना | Shot | Shot |
52 | Sit | बैठना | Sat | Sat |
53 | Swim | तैरना | Swam | Swum |
54 | Sweep | झाडु लगाना | Swept | Swept |
54 | Sleep | सोना | Slept | Slept |
55 | Steal | चोरी हो जाना | Stole | Stolen |
56 | Smell | सूंघना | Smelt | Smelt |
57 | Teach | पढ़ाना | Taught | Taught |
58 | Tell | कहना | Told | Told |
59 | Think | सोचना | Thought | Thought |
60 | Understand | समझना | Understood | Understood |
61 | Win | जितना | Won | Won |
62 | Withdraw | निकालना | Withdrew | Withdrawn |
63 | Fight | लढाई करना | Fought | Fought |
64 | Feed | खिलाना | Fed | Fed |
65 | Feel | महसुस करना | Felt | Felt |
66 | Find | ढूंडना | Found | Found |
67 | Forbid | रोकना | Forbade | Forbidden |
67 | Get | पाना | Got | Got |
68 | Go | जाना | Went | Gone |
69 | Hear | सुनना | Heard | Heard |
70 | Hold | पकड़ना | Held | Held |
71 | Hang | टांगना / लटकना | Hung | Hung |
72 | Keep | रखना | Kept | Kept |
73 | Learn | सीखना | Learnt | Learnt |
74 | Leave | छोड़ना | Left | Left |
75 | Mean | अर्थ होना | Meant | Meant |
76 | Make | बनाना | Made | Made |
77 | Overtake | आगे पहुंचना | Overtook | Overtaken |
78 | Pay | अदा करना | Paid | Paid |
78 | Say | कहना | Said | Said |
Verbs with same V2 and V3 | ||||
No | V1 | Meaning | V2 | V3 |
79 | Bet | दाव लगाना | Bet | Bet |
80 | Bid | बोली लगाना | Bid | Bid |
81 | Burst | फूटना | Burst | Burst |
82 | Cut | काटना | Cut | Cut |
83 | Hit | मारना | Hit | Hit |
84 | Hurt | जख्मी करना | Hurt | Hurt |
85 | Knit | बुनना | Knit | Knit |
86 | Put | रखना | Put | Put |
87 | Read | पढना | Read | Read |
88 | Set | लगाना | Set | Set |
89 | Shut | बंद करना | Shut | Shut |
90 | Spread | फैलाना | Spread | Spread |
91 | Spit | थूकना | Spit | Spit |
Regular Verbs | ||||
No | V1 | Meaning | V2 | V3 |
1 | Accept | मान्य करना | Accepted | Accepted |
2 | Act | अभिनय करना | Acted | Acted |
3 | Add | मिलाना/जोड़ना | Added | Added |
4 | Admire | प्रशंशा करना | Admired | Admired |
5 | Admit | भरती | Admitted | Admitted |
6 | Adopt | गोद लेना | Adopted | Adopted |
7 | Agree | मानना | Agreed | Agreed |
8 | Allow | परवानगी देना | Allowed | Allowed |
9 | Announce | जाहिर करना | Announced | Announced |
10 | Answer | जवाब देना | Answered | Answered |
11 | Apologize | क्षमा मांगना | Apologized | Apologized |
12 | Appear | प्रकट होना | Appeared | Appeared |
13 | Appoint | नियुक्त करना | Appointed | Appointed |
14 | Argue | बहस करना | Argued | Argued |
15 | Arrange | व्यवस्तित करना | Arranged | Arranged |
16 | Arrest | अटक करना | Arrested | Arrested |
17 | Arrive | आगमन होना | Arrived | Arrived |
18 | Attach | जोड़ना | Attached | Attached |
19 | Attack | आक्रमण करना | Attacked | Attacked |
20 | Attempt | प्रयास करना | Attempted | Attempted |
21 | Attend | उपस्थित होना | Attended | Attended |
22 | Avoid | टालना | Avoided | Avoided |
23 | Await | इंतजार करना | Awaited | Awaited |
24 | Award | इनाम देना | Awarded | Awarded |
25 | Ban | प्रतिबंद करना | banned | Banned |
26 | Bargain | भाव करना, मोलतोल करना | Bargained | Bargained |
27 | Behave | व्यवहार करना | Behaved | Behaved |
28 | Believe | विश्वास रखना | Believed | Believed |
29 | Bless | आशीर्वाद देना | Blessed | Blessed |
30 | Boil | उबालना | Boiled | Boiled |
31 | Build | बांधना | Built | Built |
32 | Burn | जलना | Burnt | Burnt |
33 | Bury | गाढ़ देना | Buried | Buried |
34 | Call | बुलाना | Called | Called |
35 | Cancel | रद्द करना | Canceled | Canceled |
36 | Care | देखभाल करना | Cared | Cared |
37 | Carry | ले जाना | Carried | Carried |
38 | Celebrate | मनाना | Celebrated | Celebrated |
39 | Challenge | चुनौती देना | Challenged | Challenged |
40 | Change | बदलना | Changed | Changed |
41 | Cheat | धोकाधडी करना | Cheated | Cheated |
42 | Check | जाँच करना | Checked | Checked |
43 | Clarify | स्पष्ट करना | Clarified | Clarified |
44 | Clean | सफाई करना | Cleaned | Cleaned |
45 | Clear | साफ करना | Cleared | Cleared |
46 | Climb | चढ़ना | Climbed | Climbed |
47 | Close | बंद करना | Closed | Closed |
48 | Collect | इक्कठा करना | Collected | Collected |
49 | Command | हुकुम चलाना | Commanded | Commanded |
50 | Comment | टिपण्णी करना | Commented | Commented |
51 | Compare | तुलना करना | Compared | Compared |
52 | Complete | पूरा करना | Completed | Completed |
53 | Confirm | पुष्टि करना | Confirmed | Confirmed |
54 | Connect | जोड़ना | Connected | Connected |
55 | Construct | निर्माण करना | Constructed | Constructed |
56 | Continue | चालू रखना | Continued | Continued |
57 | Control | नियंत्रण करना | Controlled | Controlled |
58 | Cook | पकाना | Cooked | Cooked |
59 | Copy | नक़ल करना | Copied | Copied |
60 | Cure | इलाज करना | Cured | Cured |
61 | Dance | नाचना | Danced | Danced |
62 | Decide | निर्णय लेना | Decided | Decided |
63 | Declare | घोषित करना | Declared | Declared |
64 | Decorate | सुशोभित करना | Decorated | Decorated |
65 | Defeat | पराजित करना | Defeated | Defeated |
66 | Demand | मांग करना | Demanded | Demanded |
67 | Depend | आश्रित रहना | Depended | Depended |
68 | Describe | वर्णन करना | Described | Described |
69 | Desire | इच्छा जताना | Desired | Desired |
70 | Dispatch | भेजना | Dispatched | Dispatched |
71 | Destroy | नाश करना | Destroyed | Destroyed |
72 | Devote | समप्रित करना | Devoted | Devoted |
73 | Die | मरना | Died | Died |
74 | Disappear | गायब होना | Disappeared | Disappeared |
75 | Discuss | चर्चा करना | Discussed | Discussed |
76 | Dislike | नापसंद करना | Disliked | Disliked |
77 | Distribute | बाँटना | Distributed | Distributed |
78 | Divide | विभाजित करना | Divided | Divided |
79 | Doubt | शक करना | Doubted | Doubted |
80 | Drop | गिराना | Dropped | Dropped |
81 | Dry | सुखाना | Dried | Dried |
82 | Earn | कमाना | Earned | Earned |
83 | Educate | शिक्षित करना | Educated | Educated |
84 | Elect | निर्वाजित करना | Elected | Elected |
85 | Embrace | गले लगाना | Embraced | Embraced |
86 | Employ | नौकरी देना | Employed | Employed |
87 | Enjoy | मजा करना | Enjoyed | Enjoyed |
88 | Enquire | पूछताछ करना | Enquired | Enquired |
89 | Enter | अंदर जाना | Entered | Entered |
90 | Establish | स्थापित करना | Established | Established |
91 | Excuse | क्षमा करना | Excused | Excused |
92 | Exchange | अदलाबदली करना | Exchanged | Exchanged |
93 | Expand | विस्तार करना | Expanded | Expanded |
94 | Expect | अपेक्षा करना | Expected | Expected |
95 | Experience | अनुभव करना | Experienced | Experienced |
96 | Explain | समझाना | Explained | Explained |
97 | Export | निर्यात करना | Exported | Exported |
98 | Extend | बढ़ाना | Extended | Extended |
99 | Face | सामना करना | Faced | Faced |
100 | Fade | फीका पड़ना | Faded | Faded |
101 | Fail | असफल होना | Failed | Failed |
102 | Favour | मेहरबानी | Favoured | Favoured |
103 | Fear | घबराना | Feared | Feared |
104 | Feed | खिलाना | Fed | Fed |
105 | Fetch | जाकर लाना | Fetched | Fetched |
106 | Fight | लढाई करना | fought | fought |
107 | Fill | भरना | Filled | Filled |
108 | Find | पाना | Found | Found |
109 | Finish | ख़त्म करना | Finished | Finished |
110 | Flatter | खुशामद करना | Flattered | Flattered |
111 | Follow | अनुसरण करना | Followed | Followed |
112 | Force | जबरदस्ती करना | Forced | Forced |
113 | Form | बनाना, रूप देना | Formed | Formed |
114 | Forward | आगे भेजना | Forwarded | Forwarded |
115 | Gain | पाना | Gained | Gained |
116 | Gamble | जुआ खेलना | Gambled | Gambled |
117 | Generate | उत्पन्न करना | Generated | Generated |
118 | Greet | स्वागत करना | Greeted | Greeted |
119 | Grumble | बड़बड़ाना | Grumbled | Grumbled |
120 | Guard | रक्षा करना | Guarded | Guarded |
121 | Guide | मार्ग दिखलाना, मार्गदर्शन करना | Guided | Guided |
122 | Halt | पड़ाव डालना, रुकना | Halted | Halted |
123 | Handcuff | बेडी ठोकना | Handcuffed | Handcuffed |
124 | Handle | नियंत्रण करना | Handled | Handled |
125 | Hang | फाँसी देना | Hanged | Hanged |
126 | Harass | सताना, तंग करना | Harassed | Harassed |
127 | Harm | नुकसान करना | Harmed | Harmed |
128 | Help | मदत करना | Helped | Helped |
129 | Hire | किराये पर देना, भाड़े पर रखना | Hired | Hired |
130 | Hoist | खड़ा करना, उभाड़ना | Hoisted | Hoisted |
131 | Honour | सन्मान देना | Honoured | Honoured |
132 | Hope | आशा करना | Hoped | Hoped |
133 | Hunt | शिकार करना | Hunted | Hunted |
134 | Hurry | जल्दबाजी करना | Hurried | Hurried |
135 | Identify | पहचानना | Identified | Identified |
136 | Ignore | नज़रअंदाज़ करना | Ignored | Ignored |
137 | Imagine | कल्पना करना | Imagined | Imagined |
138 | Imprison | बंदी बनाना | Imprisoned | Imprisoned |
139 | Increase | बढ़ना | Increased | Increased |
140 | Indicate | दर्शाना | Indicated | Indicated |
141 | Inform | सूचित करना | Informed | Informed |
142 | Injure | जख्मी होना | Injured | Injured |
143 | Install | स्थापित करना | Installed | Installed |
144 | Instruct | निर्देश देना | Instructed | Instructed |
145 | Insult | अपमान करना | Insulted | Insulted |
146 | Interview | मुलाखत | Interviewed | Interviewed |
147 | Introduce | पहचान करवाना | Introduced | Introduced |
148 | Invent | खोज करना | Invented | Invented |
149 | Invest | निवेश करना | Invested | Invested |
150 | Invite | आमंत्रित करना | Invited | Invited |
151 | Iron | इस्त्री करना | Ironed | Ironed |
152 | Join | जोड़ना | Joined | Joined |
153 | Jump | कूदना | Jumped | Jumped |
154 | Kick | लाथ मारना | Kicked | Kicked |
155 | Kidnap | अपहरण करना | Kidnaped | Kidnaped |
156 | Kill | मार देना | Killed | Killed |
157 | Knock | दरवाजा खटखटाना | Knocked | Knocked |
158 | laugh | हँसना | laughed | laughed |
159 | Learn | सीखना | Learned | Learned |
160 | Lend | उधार देना | Lent | Lent |
161 | Lick | चाटना | Licked | Licked |
162 | Lie | झूठ बोलना | Lied | Lied |
163 | Lift | ऊपर उठाना | Lifted | Lifted |
164 | Light | जलाना, प्रकाशित करना | Lighted | Lighted |
165 | Live | रहना | Lived | Lived |
166 | Locate | ढूंड निकालना | Located | Located |
167 | Look | देखना | Looked | Looked |
168 | Lose | खोना, हारना | Lost | lost |
169 | Love | प्यार करना | Loved | Loved |
170 | Maintain | संभालना, बनाए रखना | Maintained | Maintained |
171 | Marry | शादी करना | Married | Married |
172 | Melt | पिघलाना, गल जाना | Melted | Melted |
173 | Mention | उल्लेख करना | Mentioned | Mentioned |
174 | Mind | मन लगाना | Minded | Minded |
175 | Miss | चूकना | Missed | Missed |
176 | Move | हिलना | Moved | Moved |
177 | Murder | खून करना | Murdered | Murdered |
178 | Narrate | बयान करना | Narrated | Narrated |
179 | Need | जरुरत होना | Needed | Needed |
180 | Nominate | नामित करना | Nominated | Nominated |
181 | Note | लिख लेना | Noted | Noted |
182 | Notice | ध्यान देना | Noticed | Noticed |
183 | Nourish | पोषण करना | Nourished | Nourished |
184 | Oblige | एहसान करना, मजबूर करना | Obliged | Obliged |
185 | Observe | निरिक्षण करना | Observed | Observed |
186 | Obtain | पाना | Obtained | Obtained |
187 | Occur | घटना होनी होना | Occurred | Occurred |
188 | Open | खोलना | Opened | Opened |
189 | Pain | दर्द होना | Pained | Pained |
190 | Pardon | माफ़ करना | Pardoned | Pardoned |
191 | Paste | चिपकाना | Pasted | Pasted |
192 | Prefer | पसंद करना, चुनना | Preferred | Preferred |
193 | Prepare | तैयार करना | Prepared | Prepared |
194 | Produce | उत्पादन करना | Produced | Produced |
195 | Promise | वचन देना | Promised | Promised |
196 | Protect | रक्षा करना | Protected | Protected |
197 | Prove | सिद्ध करना | Proved | Proved |
198 | provide | उपलब्ध कराना | provided | provided |
199 | Publish | प्रकाशित करना | Published | Published |
200 | Pull | खीचना | Pulled | Pulled |
201 | Punish | सजा देना | Punished | Punished |
202 | Push | धकेलना | Pushed | Pushed |
203 | Quarrel | झगड़ना | Quarreled | Quarreled |
204 | Question | सवाल पूछना | Questioned | Questioned |
205 | Rain | बारिश गिरना | Rained | Rained |
206 | Raise | बढ़ाना | Raised | Raise |
207 | Reach | पहुचना | Reached | Reached |
208 | Realize | एहसास होना | Realized | Realized |
209 | Receive | स्वीकारना | Received | Received |
210 | Reconcile | मेल बिठाना | Reconciled | Reconciled |
211 | Rectify | सुधार करना | Rectified | Rectified |
212 | Reduce | कम करना | Reduced | Reduced |
213 | Refine | साफ़ करना | Refined | Refined |
214 | Reflect | प्रतिबिंब देखना | Reflected | Reflected |
215 | Refund | लौटाना | Refunded | Refunded |
216 | Refuse | नकारना | Refused | Refused |
217 | Regret | पछतावा करना | Regretted | Regretted |
218 | Reject | अस्वीकार करना | Rejected | Rejected |
219 | Relax | आराम करना | Relaxed | Relaxed |
220 | Remember | याद करना | Remembered | Remembered |
221 | Remind | याद दिलाना | Reminded | Reminded |
222 | Represent | प्रतिनिधित्व | Represented | Represented |
223 | Require | जरुरत होना | Required | Required |
224 | Reserve | आरक्षित रखना | Reserved | Reserved |
225 | Resign | इस्तीफा देना | Resigned | Resigned |
226 | Respect | आदर करना | Respected | Respected |
227 | Rest | आराम करना | Rested | Rested |
228 | Reveal | प्रकट करना | Revealed | Revealed |
229 | Revise | दोहराना | Revised | Revised |
230 | Roam | भटकना | Roamed | Roamed |
231 | Rob | चोरी करना | Robbed | Robbed |
232 | Rush | जल्दी करना, झपटना | Rushed | Rushed |
233 | Sacrifice | त्याग करना | Sacrificed | Sacrificed |
234 | Save | बचाना | Saved | Saved |
235 | Search | खोजना | Searched | Searched |
236 | Seem | अभास होना | Seemed | Seemed |
237 | Select | चुनना | Selected | Selected |
238 | Separate | अलग करना | Separated | Separated |
239 | Serve | परोसना | Served | Served |
240 | Settle | स्थिर होना | Settled | Settled |
241 | Share | हिस्सा देना | Shared | Shared |
242 | Shave | दाढ़ी करना | Shaved | Shaved |
243 | Shout | चिल्लाना | Shouted | Shouted |
244 | Sign | हस्ताक्षर करना | Signed | Signed |
245 | Smell | सूंघना | Smelled | Smelled |
246 | Solve | हल करना | Solved | Solved |
247 | Sow | बिज बोना | Sowed | Sowed |
248 | Spare | आधिकवस्तु रखना | Spared | Spared |
249 | Spend | खर्च करना | Spent | Spent |
250 | Stab | छुरा भोकना | Stabbed | Stabbed |
251 | Stare | एकटक देखना | Stared | Stared |
252 | Start | शुरुवात करना | Started | Started |
253 | State | कथन करना | Stated | Stated |
254 | Stay | रहना | Stayed | Stayed |
255 | Stick | चिपकाना | Sticked | Sticked |
256 | Stitch | सिलाई करना | Stitched | Stitched |
257 | Stop | रुकना | Stopped | Stopped |
258 | Study | पढाई करना | Studied | Studied |
259 | Submit | प्रस्तुत करना | Submitted | Submitted |
260 | Subscribe | सदस्य बनना | Subscribed | Subscribed |
261 | Succeed | सफल होना | Succeeded | Succeeded |
262 | Suffer | भुगतना | Suffered | Suffered |
263 | Suggest | सलाह देना | Suggested | Suggested |
264 | Supply | आपूर्ति करना | Supplied | Supplied |
265 | Support | आधार देना | Supported | Supported |
266 | Suppose | कल्पना करना | Supposed | Supposed |
267 | Surprise | चकित होना | Surprised | Surprised |
268 | Surrender | शरण जाना | Surrendered | Surrendered |
269 | Survey | सर्वेक्षण करना | Surveyed | Surveyed |
270 | Sympathize | सहानुभति देना | Sympathized | Sympathized |
271 | Talk | बोलना | Talked | Talked |
272 | Tally | मिलाना | Tallied | Tallied |
273 | Taste | चखना | Tasted | Tasted |
274 | Thank | शुक्रिया अदा करना | Thanked | Thanked |
275 | Threaten | डरना | Threatened | Threatened |
276 | Tie | बांधना | Tied | Tied |
277 | Toil | मेहनत करना | Toiled | Toiled |
278 | Tolerate | सहन करना | Tolerated | Tolerated |
279 | Torture | सताना | Tortured | Tortured |
280 | Touch | स्पर्श करना | Touched | Touched |
281 | Trade | व्यापार करना | Traded | Traded |
282 | Transfer | तबादला करना | Transferred | Transferred |
283 | Translate | भाषांतर करना | Translated | Translated |
284 | Transport | परिवहन करना | Transported | Transported |
285 | Travel | सफ़र करना | Traveled | Traveled |
286 | Treat | इलाज करना | Treated | Treated |
287 | Trouble | तकलीफ देना | Troubled | Troubled |
288 | Trust | भरोसा रखना | Trusted | Trusted |
289 | Try | प्रयास करना | Tried | Tried |
290 | Turn | घुमाना | Turned | Turned |
291 | Use | इस्तेमाल करना | Used | Used |
292 | Utilize | उपयोग करना | Utilized | Utilized |
293 | Value | मूल्य लगाना | Valued | Valued |
294 | Verify | ध्यानपूर्वक देखना | Verified | Verified |
295 | Visit | भेंट देना | Visited | Visited |
296 | Vomit | उलटी करना | Vomited | Vomited |
297 | Wag | पूँछ हिलाना | Wagged | Wagged |
298 | Wait | इंतजार करना | Waited | Waited |
299 | Walk | चलना | Walked | Walked |
300 | Wander | भटकना | Wandered | Wandered |
301 | Want | जरुरत होना | Wanted | Wanted |
302 | warm | गरम होना | Warmed | Warmed |
303 | Warn | चेतावनी देना | Warned | Warned |
304 | Wash | साफ करना | Washed | Washed |
305 | Waste | ख़राब करना | Wasted | Wasted |
306 | Watch | नजर रखना | Watched | Watched |
307 | Whistle | सिटी बजाना | Whistled | Whistled |
308 | Wish | इच्छा जाहिर करना | Wished | Wished |
309 | Witness | गवाही देना | Witnessed | Witnessed |
310 | Wonder | आश्चर्य करना | Wondered | Wondered |
311 | Work | काम करना | Worked | Worked |
312 | Worry | चिंता करना | Worried | Worried |
313 | Yell | चिल्लाना | Yelled | Yelled |
314 | Yield | शरण आना | Yielded | Yielded |